Upcoming Events 
Come join us!
Wednesday Night at the Church
Every Wednesday at 7:00pm, (September 11, 18, and 25)
On September 25 there will be a Supper prior to the Show starting at 6:00pm
Feel free to bring a beach chair for a more comfortable seat.
There will be light refreshments Provided.
This is a FREE event.
FREE food giveaway!
On the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:00-6:00pm (September 19, October 17)
We will be providing meat, dry and canned goods, and more!
You will be directed to park in the lot, line up for check in, and then walk through to select foods. Volunteers will be present to assist loading items into your vehicles.
Please bring reusable shopping bags if you have them. Bags will also be provided on site.
Book Club
Meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 12:00pm. (September 25 “Remarkably Bright Creatures” & October 23 “The Women”)
Please join us here at SMUMC. We are always looking for new members. Feel free to bring your lunch and chat about the book.