From the Pastor 4/1/20

April 1, 2020

Sandy Mount Church Family,

Greetings in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It
seems as if it has been such a long time since we were able to gather together as a
body of Christ. I’m feeling a little selfish in wanted to see everyone, yet the first
priority is to keep us all safe, so we are apart for a short time.

I was reminded that the first Easter celebration was with Mary Magdalene in
the garden, weeping at the tomb of Jesus. Even though she was alone, Jesus
appeared to her. The greatest miracle for each of us was first celebrated by a single
person. Perhaps we too are feeling a bit isolated. In our own ways we are also
weeping at the tomb. We don’t realize how much we enjoy being with others until
that is not possible. Yet Jesus meets us where we are.

I have been encouraging folks to practice personal and family worship,
devotions, prayer, and meditation. Perhaps we can use this time to commune with
God – maybe that practice had been set aside in our busyness.

There have been some allowable activities at the church. We held a very
successful blood drive in conjunction with a drive-thru dinner service. Both will
continue as there is a critical shortage of blood and we are able to safely host blood
drives on a monthly basis. The drive-thru dinners will continue this Thursday, and
pick up again weekly after Holy Week (no dinner served 4/9). We provided over
250 dinners our first week – clearly there is a need for help in our community.

I am so grateful to all who continue to financially support Sandy Mount
UMC. You are helping us to remain viable and active even during this time of no
in-person worship services or events. We are able to gather for worship on line, we
are able to feed the hungry in our neighborhood, we are able to provide protective
gear for local assisted living facilities, and we are able to shine the light of Christ
for those who find themselves in a very dark and uncertain time. The song says it
best, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.”

If you are able to tune in via our website or FaceBook page, we will be
hosting on line services for Palm Sunday 4/5 at 10 AM, Maundy Thursday 4/9 at 7
PM, and Good Friday 4/10 at 7 PM. The Baltimore-Washington Conference will
host an Easter Service and we are all encouraged to tune in. The time for this will
be sent later this week.

As Easter people, I plan for us to enjoy a special celebration on our first
Sunday back to in-person worship. It will be a time to reconnect, to celebrate the
resurrection, and to experience worship together like never before!

God’s peace be with you all.

Your Servant in Christ,
Pastor Kathy

From the Pastor 3/26/20

March 26, 2020
Sandy Mount Church Family,

I believe by now we are all feeling the effects of COVID-19. Many have been furloughed, and we are seeing record numbers of folks applying for unemployment. These are indeed hard times for all of us.

As of yesterday, we received communication from our bishop concerning worship services. We will not be able to worship together until May 3, 2020. It may seem like we are so far from one another, and yet we are promised that God is always with us, watching over us, walking with us.

Your worship team will continue to provide worship services in a virtual format. We are posting services on our YouTube channel by way of our website (, click on ‘sermons and media). We are also hosting services on our Facebook page at 10 AM each Sunday. I encourage you to tune in when you can, knowing that the services will be available to you at any time after they air for the first time.

I also encourage you to engage in family worship. Many of you have your Lenten devotionals and there are resources online through the website and others. I hope you can take time each day to spend a few moments in prayer, reading scripture, and in fellowship with your families.

One thing I’ve noticed is that it appears that families are drawing closer together through this time of social distancing. Perhaps we have all gotten just a bit busy, and this is an opportunity for us to reconnect with God, with ourselves, and with our families.

I truly miss seeing all of you every week. I’ve talked with many of you over the phone, but there’s something special about face-to-face communication. We will plan a huge celebration for our first Sunday back. It will be our Easter celebration. It will be our time to reconnect as a church family and truly celebrate everything that makes us the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church community.

I wanted to extend a special note of gratitude to all of you who are checking on your neighbors, staying in touch with our shut ends, and holding those in need in your prayers. We are still a powerfully connected community and this is our time to shine Christ’s light in what can be difficult times. Jesus said “you are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” Thank you for sharing your light in every way.

We appreciate your continued financial support as well. We are doing all we can to make sure our fixed expenses are met, therefore we greatly appreciate your help. Options include mailed checks, online giving through your financial institution, or PayPal via our church website.

Our hope is to continue with weekly free take-out dinners offered to our church family and the community beginning tonight from 5-7 PM. We are adding another blood drive as the need for blood is critical. Worship continues. I am available for pastoral care and council. And as always, my prayers are with you all.

Your servant in Christ, Pastor Kathy

From The Pastor 3/19/20

March 19, 2020

From the Pastor:

I wonder how everyone is doing right now as we sade through the effects of the CORVID-19 pandemic? Perhaps parents are singing that Christmas tune, “and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!” Experiencing a crisis of this magnitude can easily overwhelm us. We miss seeing everyone on Sunday mornings as we are all in the same realm of self-distancing. Perhaps this storm seems too powerful.

I’m reminded of the scriptures for this week’s sermon that refer to the times when Jesus conquered even the most violent of storms. The literal wind and waves that were threatening the disciples (Mark 4:35-41) were no match for Jesus the Messiah – the son of God. The raging sea that caused our experienced fishermen to panic was simply a carpet for Jesus to walk upon and to call others out of the boat (Matthew 14:22-33.) Our storms, both literal and figurative, are also no match for Jesus the one who rebukes the wind and says to the sea, ‘Peace, be still.’

We at SMUMC continue to work toward providing a sense of Christian community even in the midst of this challenging time. I hope you can join us for our virtual worship service via our FaceBook page at 10 AM Sunday, or on our website anytime after this. We are planning ahead should the CDC guidelines need to be in place for longer periods of time. I encourage you to continue your Lenten practices of devotionals, collecting 40 items to donate to a local charity, sending your donations to SMUMC via electronic or mail-in giving, prayer practices, and worship. The church is still at work encouraging one another and continuing our ministries in creative ways.

Please check in with each other. If you know of someone who needs an errand runner, a meal, or assistance in some way have them contact me. My cell is always available – 240-285-5800. Be safe and know I hold you all in prayer. Look for a grand celebration when we can once again join together for worship!

Your servant in Christ, Pastor Kathy

From the Pastor 4/16/20

April 16, 2020
Sandy Mount UMC family, 
I am so grateful for the many ways in which we are keeping each other safe while staying connected. Many of us have received a crash course in Zoom meetings, conference calls, and web announcing while reigniting our appreciation for phone calls, video chats, and text messaging. Thank you for looking out for each other!
Many of you continue to support the church with your financial gifts and offerings of which we are also most grateful. We are doing all we can to reduce our costs and we appreciate your support as we weather this sea of uncertainty. And you are making it possible for us to offer free weekly dinners at no cost to the public without having to use church funds. The needs in our community are great, and every dollar we receive allows all of us to continue to be the church in every way.
I pray you are finding ways to stay healthy and engaged during this time of social distancing. I’ve discovered a Yoga app that offers a variety of free Yoga routines. The website offers daily devotions as well as and many others. Coursera is offering free courses and certifications through the end of May. Many of us are reconnecting with our hobbies – I’m working on a second quilt which has literally been years in the making! Perhaps we have gained a new appreciation for the great outdoors. Parents are probably renewing their appreciation for teachers!
I cannot accurately predict the future, but I believe it may be a bit longer than originally anticipated before we can reconvene for worship services. And even when we do, what will that look like? What changes can we embrace to keep everyone safe but also reconnect in face-to-face time together? One thing I do know – we will honor God Almighty in every way we can through worship, prayer, giving, fellowship, fasting, communion, holy conferencing, praise. I believe our resolve is strong as we continue to look to the source of our strength. Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” May this be our mantra now and always.
Peace be with you.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Kathy

2020 Coronavirus Impact

To all of the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church family,

We have received many recent communications that will directly affect our worship services and all activities at the church and it’s ministries. Based on the recommendation of our governor and our bishop, the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church building will be closed for two weeks beginning March 15 through March 28. The current plan is to conduct in-person worship services beginning March 29.

While worship services are of key importance to our community, many outside groups also use our building throughout the week. With the increased number of people in and out of the building, and the fact that we have many folks who may have compromised immune systems, the risk is simply too great to gather together for worship services or ministries in the short term. Your health and safety are of key importance to all of us.

My plan is to offer sermons for the next two weeks to be posted on our website, and to creatively live stream our contemporary worship services through our Facebook live feed. While we haven’t figured all of this out yet, I am confident in our TechTeam! I will also be working with our organist to perhaps enhance a traditional option of worship and offer this as well.

I will greatly miss gathering together for worship. However please know I am available to you and will be checking in with folks as much as possible. My greatest fear would be for worship together to cause harm rather than good.

I hold you all in my prayers. Please feel free to contact me – I will limit in-home visits but we can always talk by phone.

Blessings to all,
Pastor Kathy
240-285-5800 (Pastor’s cell phone)

Helpful Tips from the CDC:
Like our Facebook page for the latest information and service replays!

A Message from Pastor Kathy

From Pastor Kathy – January 4, 2020
Below you will find a link to a recent agreement released by a group within the United Methodist Church. This agreement refers to a separation within the denomination. Understand that no official ruling has taken place. This will occur in May of this year  at the general conference to be held in Minneapolis Minnesota. 
 I know many of you will have some great concerns about what this means for Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. The traditional plan, that was put into place effective January 1 of this year, requires more stringent adherence to language that excludes clergy from conducting same-sex marriages, and does not allow for the ordination of those who self-identity as  LBGTQIA+.  As a result of this impasse, the United Methodist Church very well may be heading towards a separation. 
 Again, I emphasize that nothing has been put into place as of yet. Only the general conference can make legislative decisions on behalf of the United Methodist Church. Once that conference convenes we will determine our next steps as a denomination, as an annual conference, and as the church known as Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. 
At this point I ask two things. First, please be in prayer for the United Methodist Church. This is a time of serious transition, a time of uncertainty, and a time that could easily be plagued with fear. Please pray.
 Second, if any kind of voting needs to occur within our individual church, only those who are members of this church will have voting rights. If you would like your voice and your vote to be heard, I ask that you prayerfully consider joining the church. I want as many voices to be counted, considered, and appreciated. 
This is a critical juncture for the United Methodist Church, and yet as Sandy Mount United Methodist Church, we will continue to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ in every way that we can. As I’ve said before, we will continue to feed the hungry. We will continue to provide clothing for those who need it. We will continue to help meet the needs of our neighbors and beyond, because that is what we are called to do as followers of Jesus Christ.
 Each of us was called for such a time as this. I am truly honored to be serving as your pastor even during these times of uncertainty. We are the church, and we will continue to share God’s love to all we meet in every way that we can. May God be with each of us as we continue to search our hearts and to seek ways to share the love of Jesus Christ. Amen.

United to Love: Praying Our Way Forward

This past Saturday, Bishop Easterling and other leaders from across the BWC gathered for a town hall meeting following the 2019 Special Session of General Conference. The 3-hour meeting was recorded, and is now available on our website.
Visit to watch. In addition, a series of PowerPoint slides from Tom Starnes, BWC Chancellor, that was shown during the meeting, is also online

Amazon Smile

Sandy Mount UMC is now on Amazon Smile! Shop on Amazon and have .5% of purchases coming back to Sandy Mount to support our church!
Steps to set up:
Type in Sandy Mount United Methodist Church as your designated charity.
Every time you shop on Amazon, begin by going to and your donations will automatically be made to our church!
If you forget and go straight to, a question will pop up asking if you still want to support SMUMC – say yes! and you will be transferred to the correct location.
Or, click our unique link:

Summer Worship

Summer Schedule

June 25th through September 3rd 2017

Summer Worship Schedule at Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. Each Sunday will have
opportunities to worship at 2 services, 9:30-10:30 am, and a Chapel Service from 11-11:30 am.
Styles of worship will alternate at the 9:30 service.
9:30 service schedule:
June 25 – Traditional
July 2 – Traditional
July 9 – Prayer and Praise
July 16 – Prayer and Praise
July 23 – Traditional
July 30 – Traditional
August 6 – Prayer and Praise
August 13 – Prayer and Praise
August 20 – Traditional 
August 27 – Prayer and Praise
September 3 – Prayer and Praise
On September 10, 2017 there will be a combined service at 10 am to begin the Sunday School Year.
The Sunday School Picnic will follow the service. House of Blessings will be invited to attend worship with Sandy
Mount on this Sunday.

Confirmation Class 2017

Important Documents: